Monday, 8 August 2011

Q&A With Sam and Billie Faiers the Stars of TOWIE

Love it or Loathe it, there’s no getting away from it.  The Only Way Is Essex is set to burst back onto our screens this autumn and I for one can’t wait!

Its all about the drama, the glamour, the gossip, the giggles.  Whatever you think of the show you cannot deny the level of success it’s seen.

The stars of the show have been flung from obscurity into the spotlight of the UK media. They can’t pop to Tesco’s without a pap ready to strike, camera in hand, after a photo to flog to a glossy mag.

The photos get printed, then thousands of people see it. Many of those are women and I know from personal experience that some of the stars from the show have a massive teenage girl following.

Sam and Billie Faiers are two of the most recognisable stars of the show. The gorgeous sisters from Brentwood have become celebrities almost overnight and developed a huge fan following.

What has this got to do with beauty I hear you ask?

Well let me tell you.

The sisters recently opened their own Fashion Boutique called Minnies in Brentwood,Essex. I popped along one Saturday to take a look at the selection of gorgeous outfits they had, but could I get in the door? Could I heck!
I couldn’t even see the door through hoards of teenage girls queuing and squealing with excitement, all eager to get though the doors to meet the stars. (Rather like the scenes in this pic from the day the boutique opened!)

These girls are in demand and are fast becoming beauty and style icons for young girls. With their flawless make up and great fashion sense, it’s not hard to see why.

And so, onto Beauty. 

 I decided to launch my new Q&A section of I Am Fabulicious. You all know what I like, hate and think about beauty products and such. But what about other far more interesting people? What do they love, what do they use, what are their secrets? 

Step forward Sam and Billie Faiers, the first, fab ladies to answer the beauty questions that you want to know.

Girls, what is your all time favourite beauty brand?

Billie: Mac because it’s every type of makeup you could ever want and every product I need to do my makeup. I Love all the colours and has a wide product range

Sam: Mac because you get amazing makeup for the price

Do you have a beauty Icon? If so, who?

B: Kim Kardashian because her makeup always looks so perfect and she has smoky eyes which is my favourite look!

S: Marilyn Monroe she is just classical and beautiful.

What is your favourite make up item? 

B: Shimmer for my cheeks I like Mac gold dust bronzing highlighting powder

S: Mac studio fix

Do you have a favourite beauty look? 

B: I Love smoky eyes and glossy lips and really bronzed shimmery cheeks

S: Sun kissed bronzed goddess… I love it when you have a nice base tan especially with blonde hair

Do you find yourself influenced by the latest beauty and make up trends, or do you prefer to make your own?

B:  I make my own but I do watch out never to have bright eyes and bright lips. Always one or the other

S: I make my own but I am influenced from looks they do on shoots with me as I get to see how they do it and what suits me

If you were stranded on a desert island, which 1 beauty item would you miss the most and why?

B: Lipgloss. I love putting lipgloss on to feel glam and to of course have moisturised lips

S: Victoria secrets Pink moisturiser. There's nothing worse than dry skin!

What skincare, cosmetics or hair care item could you not live without?

B: Well Hairspray for hair care. For cosmetics it would have to be Lancome Genifique – its expensive but worth it

S: Eyelure Lashes 107 are my favourite

Do you tend to stick with the brands and products you know or do you like to mix it up and try other things?

B: I always buy brand products I like but if something new comes out I like to try it. I always ask make up artist's what their favourite things are as I like to try things on recommendation.

S: I tend to stick with my trusted products but there is no harm in trying other things

Have you ever had a make up/ beauty disaster? What happened?

B: When I was in school, wearing too much bronzer and getting a line around the face was a bit of a mistake... Always blend!

S: I have been out before and my eyelashes started falling off… luckily a friend was on hand with some glue!

Can you share with us one of your trade secret beauty tips?

B: To get a perfect finish I always use a moisturiser and primer. I like the new I.D primer

S: Shine proof powder by Mac

So there you have it. The Faiers girls revealed their beauty secrets especially for you. Now you can go forth and recreate their bronzed, pretty, girly looks for yourselves.

If you’re a fan of their style and gorgeous outfits, head down to Minnies Boutique, 8 Ropers Yard, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4AX, check out their website here or give them a bell on 01708 346640. 

Many of their girls outfits are from their store, and they are just sitting there now waiting for you to go and buy them!


  1. I love these girls- so naturally stunning, wish i lived closer and could go to their shop :-( Im out to get sams eyelure lashes now! If its good enough for her! x

  2. Stunning sisters- deffinately my favourite girls in the show. was so excited when i saw this post pop up- im so nosey so when it comes to beauty secrets of celebs im there- especially when they look like sam and billie!

  3. awe, they're so beautiful!

    btw, Can I invite you to join my GIVEAWAY, pretty please? ^^
    The prize are korean bb creams and bubble cleansing foam, hope you want to check it out on my blog :)

    here's the link:

  4. sorry i know this was last year but just stumbled across this....what id shine proof powder by Mac.....?


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