Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Michelle as Marilyn

A new photo has just been released from the highly anticipated film My Week With Marilyn starring Brokeback Mountain actress Michelle Williams.

The New Promotional Photo for My week with Marilyn

The film which is to be released this November is based on the diary of British studio assistant Colin Clark, who spent time with the Marilyn during the filming of “The Prince and the Showgirl” in London back in 1956.

I’m biased as Monroe is my Beauty Idol, but I just don’t  think Michelle Williams can convincingly portraying one of the most troubled, beautiful and iconic women in film history - at least not from the promotional pics so far.

Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe

Perhaps I’m being a little harsh- it is a big job to try and get right.

What do you think of the images? Do you think Michelle can pull off a convincing Monroe? Will you go and see the movie?

If you fancy stepping back in time and finding out about Marilyn’s beauty secrets you can click to one of my previous posts here. 


  1. Never in a million years could michelle williams pull of marilyn- shes a really great actress but come on now, Marilyn was far far more beautiful. Excited to see the film though!

  2. I agree with hells bells- though she does look pretty good in that top photo, she looks nothing like her in the bottom. Not sure how i feel about this film- hasnt everything been shows, written and said about marilyn already? let her rest on peace x

  3. I agree she doesn't look just like her...but sometimes, though, an actress doesn't need to look *exactly* like the icon she is playing to get it right. It is just as important that she embody Marilyn's spirit, which we can only judge once the film is released. I am excited to see, though!

  4. I think Michelle Williams is gorgeous in her own right, but if these photos give a realistic idea of the film then I don't think she'll do Marilyn justice :/ she just doesn't seem to have her charisma! Hope I'm proved wrong though :) x

  5. Hmm.. I don't think she's pulling it off. I mean it's obvious who she's supposed to look like, but she looks nothing like Marilyn. Then again.. it must be extremely difficult to make someone look like such a one of a kind beautiful woman! I'm curious about how she'll do as Marilyn, acting wise.


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