Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Who's that Girl?

Today I’d like to cast the beauty spotlight on this model.

Stunning isn’t she. What a beautiful young girl with a gorgeously attractive face.  Big blue eyes, full lips, killer cheekbones.

   Don’t worry, I feel jealous too.

Except, this model isn’t a she at all. 

She is a he.


Its just like that moment when you’ve admired your partner when on a beach, glanced at their limbs and experienced the slow, painful realisation, that despite being the opposite gender to you, that they in fact have better legs than you do.

This instance is similar to that, only in my case, I believe that Andrej  makes a more attractive woman than I do!

The model you are all staring at and thinking ‘No way’, ‘really?!’ is 19 year old Andrej Pejic  who has appeared in French Vogue, is muse to Jean Paul Gaultier, and has won the title of Male Model of the Year.

The poor guy has suffered huge amounts of controversy due to his ultra feminine looks but says of it all  'My whole life is controversy. What can I do? I’m like Britney Spears!’

Andrej you keep on doing what your doing, even if as a man you do have better legs…. Bum……hair….. eyebrows….. body and face than me ;-) 



  1. Oh my gosh, I so did not expect the model to be a guy!

  2. Wow haha! I saw the picture with no top on I was like whatt!? Then I read it hehe... You can notice it on his features once to no. He is very pretty though haha xxx

  3. I would have said you were making that up had it not been for that 5th photo and the joys of google- OMG! Hes beautiful!!

  4. wow.. what a pretty young man :)

  5. Maybe Im speaking out of turn but this makes me feel a little bit sick... the first few photos fine, but then the topless one ergh! if he wants to act and look like a she, why would you have a topless photo done!

    great idea for a post though!

  6. Wow, that really shocked me, once you read its a guy, looking back you can see it, but i was not expecting that! He def has better legs and bum to me :(!!

    Lucy xx

  7. I dont think he wants to act like a she, hes just 'utilising' his feminine beauty to increase his modeling potential xx

  8. I dunno, the clothes he's modelling, the way he models, his makeup (the only giveaways are his eyebrows).... He's not masculine in any way, shape or form.

    I'm not trying to be offensive btw, I'm just voicing my opinion :) x

  9. No absolutely- hes nothing if not controversial! xx

  10. Oh my god! He's so beautiful, I'm very jealous.

    In a way, I prefer seeing male models on the catwalks. When trying to find female models, it seems like the people look for very tall, skinny girls with no boobs or hips - which often isn't healthy, we all know the catwalk size zero controversy. But by choosing andrygonous men, the problem of the girls being so skinny they have no hips or breasts is entirely eliminated, and girls won't inspire to look like them, because they're men, not women. That's what I think anyway xx
    Sirens and Bells

  11. wow I sure wasn't expecting that! This is the second time I've been jelous of a guy for looking way better as a woman than me...

    Alice x

  12. I can't believe it! Your such a great writer!! Keep up your blogs!
    Love Hannah


  13. soo pretty, made a really intresting read, love your blog x


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