Sunday, 7 August 2011

Every Girl Deserves a Halo

4 Years ago i made one of my biggest beauty mistakes ever. I cut my hair. (Well a hairdresser did to be more accurate) But it wasnt just a little cut or trim.  I asked her to full on hack off 80% of my lovely, long locks.

What possessed me, i can’t tell you, but i can tell you is that i hated the result. Massively.
I missed having long, gorgeous, feminine hair. I’d always had long hair and without it, i felt like Samson did when Delilah cut his locks off. 

 What if like Samson, my hairs had been the source of my power, and now i’d lost it!
The first thing i did on the Monday was search for hair extensions. I found some, though can’t remember the name or brand (not a good sign i know) and i used them until my hair grew.

They were pretty nasty- yes they were natural hair, but they smelt chemically treated, were dry and in hindsight, actually pretty bad extensions.

Fast forward 4 years and my hair has finally grown back  (it was a LONG 4 years waiting for that to happen let me tell you!)
I have length yes, but my hair is thin, glassy and massively lacking in volume. A friend of mine suggested i try extensions again, this time to add volume to my hair. Oh no, not going there again i thought. 

Then i came across a brand called Halo. With a mission statement of ‘Every girl deserves a Halo and every halo deserves an Angel’ i was intrigued. ‘I want a Halo, i want to be an Angel’ i thought, after all, what girl wouldn’t!

Halo 20 inch extensions in Darkest Brown
Halo’s pre bonded extensions (which i used) use 100% Indian Remy Hair, the premium in hair extensions.

They have a vast selection of different colours, making finding a colour for your hair easy peasy and you can buy in 16, 20 or 24 inches depending on what your after! PLUS as they are 100% human hair, you can dye, straighten, crimp and curl the extensions to your heart’s content, unlike with synthetic hair.

Also, unlike some other brands, Halo are incredibly reasonably priced. Pop into a very well known woman’s clothes shop on Oxford Street in London and you will find clip in extensions for double the price of Halo. Yes really.

As you may have seen from other photos on my blog, my hair is dyed a reddish colour, making matching my hair to extensions hard. Not a problem, when i dye my hair i simply dye my extensions too. Problem solved!

My Hair Au Natural. Not a Halo in sight.
The 20 inch full head clip in which i used was a bargain at £59.99 and included 8 pieces. 2 pieces are 8” wide with 3 clips, 2 pieces are 6” wide with 2 clips and 4 pieces are 2” wide with 1 clip.

One of my favourite things about Halo was the clips. Getting clip in extensions to stay put in my hair was a nightmare. These clips are strong, steadfast and ensure that your extensions don’t slip out of place, leaving your hair wonky. Never a good look!

They are silky, shiny and blend in wonderfully with your natural hair. 

Attaching the 8 inch Piece to my hair
To put mine in i sectioned off part of my hair on the back of my head and clip in one of the 8 inch wide pieces. I then part my hair an inch or two higher and add the other 8 inch piece. (See Photo)

I then parted my hair on either side and added the two 6 inch pieces, one on their side of my head and then added two of the 2 inches pieces to either side of my head slightly higher up.
Then voila. I had my Halo and long, thick, volumous , natural looking and shiny hair. 

With my Halo extensions in. Thick, volumous and gorgeous
I've got my Halo! Now, just to find my wings!
You want your own Halo now too don’t you? Well, not a problem. Courtesy of Halo Hair you can win a 16 or 20 inch Full Head Set in the colour of your choice by entering my competition.


To Enter, simply do the following:

Follow my blog via google friends connect and post a comment below saying why you deserve a Halo & 'Like' I am Fabulicious on Facebook here

Follow @halo_hair via Twitter and ‘Like’ them on Facebook

RT the following message on twitter ‘‘ Want a Halo? Head over to to #win halo hair extensions thanks to @halo_hair ‘’

The competition will close on 12th September. One Entry per person.

Can’t wait that long for gorgeous hair? Why not head over to their website and receive an exclusive discount when purchasing yours.

Once you’ve found your Halo, enter this exclusive to discount code into the voucher code box at checkout to receive a 15% discount.

Code: halolovessarah


  1. wow wow wow i want to win these as my hair is rubbish! x

  2. i deserve a halo as it would be the perfect present for my mum's birthday :)

  3. Your hair is lovely naturally and with extensions. this post has given me hope that in another two years my hair will be the same length as yours, ish, i had mine cut a little shorter than yours for some ridiculous reason as well two years ago! Its a little longer now, but its horrid waiting for it isn't it.

  4. I would love to win a halo because my hair just doesn't grow past my shoulders, I wear extensions at the moment but they really aren't very good, they dry out after just a few weeks of wear and are really thin! I got these because they were pretty cheap, I'm a student and therefore don't really have the money to spend on some really good hair extensions with the money I have to live off at the moment :( I think these would give me so much confidence and make my hair look so much more healthy and shiny like yours is!! :)

    retweeted on twitter - kirc91
    already following halo on both twitter and facebook <3

  5. OMG! I really want to try these, cuz i have my hair cutted, like you, and now i hate it, because it's growing soooo slowly! :( Plz, give my wings back too! :P

    Thank you for the chance :)
    FB: Edina Kapitányné Tápai
    Twitter: _dinamano_


  6. i have always wanted extensions, for as long as i can remember! and these look so simple, which is all the better!
    ps - i actually think your short hair cut looked FAB!! but i know how it is, i always want long hair too.
    i'm following on GFC, and i retweeted @apeekofchic

    a peek of chic

  7. I deserve a halo as I did the same thing as you and cut my hair off..i loved it at first... but then now i really miss my long hair and now i am in dire need of some good extensions..!!!
    I even posted the pic of my haircut on my blog..!! You can see it at

  8. I would love Halo extensions! A few months ago I decided I wanted Rihanna red hair. Well, going from black to bright red was horrible on my hair and my right side is about 2 inches shorter because of all the breakage from the bleach. So I just wear ponytails for the time being! My GFC name is Alexis and email is

  9. I deserve a Halo because I'd like lovely long hair for my wedding x

  10. I would LOVE a halo, I had my hair cut very short last year & it's at that awkward length where I can't do much with it. I loved having long hair & would love the chance to win some extensions :)

    Following via GFC (Jo Kelly/sweetiepie82)

    Liked on FB (Jo Kelly) & retweeted the competition (@MrsD_Winchester)


  11. A would luv 2 win a a set ave had the glue in 1s and they ave left me with bald patches and my hair has become really thin so these would be perfect

  12. I NEED a Halo! I lost a lot of my hair through illness and now that it's all resolved, my hair grew back - but it's completely different, and I lost all of my thickness and volume and find it really hard to feel feminine and pretty now. I think a Halo would give me some of my mojo back!

    Following on GFC with my twitter account @nickiem
    Follow Halo on twitter as above and facebook as Nickie Chapman
    RTed as @nickiem

  13. Ooo i like your blog header, did you do it yourself? xx

  14. I absolutely NEEEED a Halo because my hair is so horribly damaged and thin, than I need some length and oomph to bring it back to life again!

    I'm following via GFC
    Twitter as @amyvalentinex (I also tweeted)
    Facebook as Amy Valentine Joslin

  15. I may be in the minority here, but I already have long, thick hair. HOWEVER, it's been like this for my entire life and I am itching to cut it shorter (a little past shoulders). When I do this, I would love to have some Halo extensions around in case I hate it or just in case I want to have long hair again for a couple days a week. This looks like an amazing product!

    Following on GFC, liked on fb (Amy Michaels), tweeted on twitter (@theamymichaels)

  16. Follow via GFC name: JlaLamb and I tweeted the link via my twitter name @JasmineLambton aslo followed too and Liked via facebook name Jasmine Lambton

    I deserve a hair halo as I used to have long thick hair i could practically sit on and I stupidly got it cut off upto my shoulders a while ago and I have regretted it everyday since. With halo hair extensions I would be back to having long thick lucious hair again :)


  17. gfc: marla
    fb: marla ramirez
    twitter: marlaandmakeup

    thanks <3

  18. I've tweeted from @BeePowley and follow them on twitter.

    I've also liked them on facebook as Becky Powley!

    Google connect Becky Powley

    I'd love some Halo extensions as I'm going on holiday at the end of the month for the first time with my boyfriend, and as we haven't been together long I'd love be able to look at the first photos of us together, and pretend that I have gorgeously thick hair!! Extensions would just make me feel so much more confident, on the beach (no way I'm going in the sea I hate it!!) and at the bars!
    x x x x


  19. i deserve a halo because my hair never grows!!!!!!!!! i love long hair so much i wish mine would grow a little; ive tried everything but nothing works :( so ive been using differen't kinds of hair extensions but like you say, have a smell to them and aren't that good (but its the only ones i can afford) thankyou so much for this oportunity!!!!

    GFC: Mily Gomez
    Facebook: Mily Gomez
    Twitter: @milygomez15

  20. Ooooh! I deserve halo extensions because I have African hair and I get weaves or braids and it'd be nice to win some extensions because my mom gets tired of buying the hair even though I don't do it often :( Also she won't let me buy longer hair which I want for some cool Asian hairstyles :o

    GFC: takoyaki
    Email: takoyaki101@hotmail


  21. Hi lovely giveaway!

    GFC: yana_mifsud
    Facebook: Yana Mifsud
    Twitter & Tweeted: @yanasdollhouse

    I deserve these hair extensions because after years of having very long hair my hairdresser decided that a normal trim was equivalent to cutting 20 cm of hair and I have shoulder length hair now! :( I miss my long hair and would love some good quality extensions to make me feel 'me' again :)

    thank you xxx

  22. I know what yo mean! I did exactly the same thing. It has been 2 years and it is barely getting long.

  23. I would love to try extensions! What a great giveaway. Your hair looks fabulous both ways. I've never had my hair that long! I need a "halo" because I have very fine hair. If it wasn't curly I would look like I barely had any hair. I can fit all my hair in a barrette that someone else would use to pull their bangs off their face! LOL

    GFC: PerilouslyPale
    Tweeted as PerilouslyPale
    Facebook: Perilously Pale Christa

  24. Woo they are so natural looking :O amazing
    What hair dye do you use ? its a really nice colour :)I use XXL Schwarzkopf in cinnamon that's great too.

    I deserve a halo because i have a special occasion coming up at the end of September and who wouldn't want to have a knock out hairstyle :) thanks

  25. After a couple of colour disasters my hair is a little fragile. It's now the colour I love, but slightly thin!
    My halo is there, but definitely needs a good polish! I'd love to win this and have thick flowing locks again :)

  26. I have tweeted as @compgirl1 and liked on Facebook too :D

    I think your hair looked fab short, but I am a big fan of long hair too ;o)

  27. I would love to win these :)
    I think i deserve them because i have recently had to cut of my very long hair into a bob due to my hair going very dry with 2 pregnancies close together, my hair just died basically so it had to be done :(

    i follow via GFC: tinkerbelldani

    done all facebook adds: danielle jordan 'tink' terry

    all twitter entries and tweets: @tinkabelldani

    thank you xox

  28. GFC follower : Lyudmila
    Liking on fb =Lyudmila Sizova

  29. I would love to win those because the extensions sold here are of a very poor quality and I can't really afford to pay for extensions that are advertised on beauty blogs. :(
    I followed all the rules for the giveaway. :)

  30. hola me gustaria participar ;)
    mi nick:edith
    me gustaria para ponermelas en una fiesta ;)
    facebook:edith ramos
    no tengo blog espero haber hecho todo bien =)

  31. Hi.
    I think I deserve to win your gorgeous halo hair extensions because I have been trying to grow my hair for 25 years and it is still looking like rats tails!!! HEEEELP......
    I've followed all your steps to enter so fingers crossed :-)
    Gillian Cooke / @Gill_919

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Heyyy:)!!! THANK YOU so so sooo much iamfabulicious and halo hair extensions for this AMAZING giveaway<3!!! I would LOVE a halo because I really want a Halo because I would Love to go back to school with longer, thicker hair. I have been wanting to try extensions for YEARS but I am still a student and the good ones are kind of expensive. Plus I got a hair cut at the beginning of summer and I really abhor it and my hair has not grown back yet and a halo would definitely help. I followed ALL of the rules:

    - commented
    - Like you on facebook Emmy S.
    - follow you via gfc emmybear411
    - follow halo hair extensions on twitter @emmybear411
    - like halo hair extensions on facebook Emmy S.
    - Tweeted:!/emmybear411/status/100703319747596288

    My e-mail is
    THANK YOU:D!!!

  34. I'm sure we all have had a few hair disasters in our past that we would like to forever forget. I always loved having long hair & for some strange reason, when women have very long hair, beauticians seem to go crazy when they see us walk through the door of their salon. All they want to do is CUT,CUT,CUT,CUT,CUT!!!!! I know the feeling when you tell a stylist you ONLY want 2 inches cut off but without even looking, when you hear that first snip of their scissors, you get that sinking feeling in your heart, knowing that when you look on the floor, you'll see 12 inches of your beautiful locks helplessly laying there. All of a sudden, you can't breathe & you just want to gather up all the cut hair and surgically reattach it back onto your head as if you were simply having a terrible nightmare.

    I've had long hair almost all my life except for those few instances I described above & although I looked nice with shorter, styled hair, I still wanted my long hair back. There's something about long hair that makes a woman feel sexy. Personally, having long hair gives me more confidence. I love the feel of my hair on my arms and down my back and I especially love having my hair brushed and stroked, something one can't really do with short hair.

    I also have to say that I have never seen extensions that looked as ravishing, natural,as yours do. I have seen Halo's extensions in person, actually know a gal who wears them all the time. One would never know that her beautiful long hair was really extensions. My friend also showed me the bonding and how they are applied to the scalp which I found amazing because with this new technology, there was no more pain, ripping, tearing and permanently damaging your scalp. And removing the extensions were as easy as applying them.

    Now as for why I NEED to have these extensions, it's very difficult for me to state why I NEED any extravagance right now (extensions included) when the world is in turmoil.

    However, I can say that I'd love to win to replace the hair I lost when I got very ill a few years ago. As my health declined, my hair started falling out, really thinning it. My hair has always been so thick and beautiful, the one thing people always noticed about me on first sight. Not anymore.

    I don't go out much & have virtually shut myself off from the rest of the world because I don't like the way I look. My bedroom has become a sort of prison because I don't want people seeing me looking as I do. I know these extensions, will give me more confidence in my appearance & I'll start getting out more.

    It's sad that hair can play such a big role in a woman's life but as we all know, if we're having a bad hair day, we're simply having a bad day. I don't want any more bad days. I want those bad times behind me & for tomorrow to be the first day of the rest of my life. That's why I would love to win these extensions.

    Thank you to Blogger I am Fabulicious and Halo Hair Extensions for giving one of your fans the opportunity to possibly win this incredibly generous contest.

    I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect ( and my username is Dlori)

    I "LIKE" I am Fabulicious on Facebook (facebook username is kleimanlaw)

    I Follow @halo_hair via Twitter (username is @DianeLori)

    I ‘Like’ them on Facebook

    I RT the above message on my twitter page,@DianeLori, & the link is as follows:!/MrsD_Winchester/status/100252655464624128

    I also shared this contest on my twitter page, on my facebook, & posted on my blog,, the link is as follows:

    Good Luck To All!!!!!

    kleimanlaw at aol dot com

  35. I'm always telling my nephews that I am fantabulous so I want to try being fabulicious too! I have not had really long hair since I was knee high and cried so much when it was brushed that my mother decided to cut it off. It would be truly fabuliciously fantabulous to have some new options.

    Have followed all FB/TW and "Twitted" as requested. @UtterlyBumpty

  36. I think I deserve to win because I've not long had my hair cut to my shoulders and I'm missing my long tresses. I've liked the blog (Rhonda)

    I've liked on Facebook (Tink Lee Mse) and followed and re tweeted on Twitter (@snowted)

  37. A few months back I did a similar thing and cut alot of my hair off. Its been growing but just waiting for my hair to grow is so hard. I would love halo because I've been looking into getting hair extensions and would love to try halo out!
    GFC: Ashley
    Twitter: @introtobeauty
    facebook: Ashley mcdonald

  38. I have been looking all over for nice hair extensions. My bleaching habit has destroyed my precious hair, and it is pretty thinning now, and won't grow as fast.
    It would be an honor to win this so taht I can have long and gorgeous hair again!

    Follow on google + FB.

  39. Oh, I would LOVE to win these! I'm always looking for products that will make my fine hair voluminous, but nothing ever works :(

  40. Oooh I'd love to win and lengthen my locks! I went for the chop a few months ago, not as drastic as you but been missing my longer locks anyhow! So these would be great! I'm following you on facebook and your blog!

    Btw, your hair looks gorgeous short, I don't know what you're talking about girl!!xx

  41. I inherit my mums thin hair so ever since young I don't own any thick and volumnious hair. I been using quite many kinds of shampoos and hair styling products to make it look volumnious.. But had yet to try any extensions before because they are rather costly and I'm afraid that they will tangle and not as easy manageable as real hair! I do hope to try out premium extensions such as Halo so I do not have to worry about tangling hair and such!
    And I hope Halo ships to Singapore! ^_^

    Followed on GFC
    Liked all FB & Twitter
    Twitted: @miwitch

  42. I'd always been the girl with the long luscious hair. Prior my Senior year in High School I seldomly heat styled it at all, so it was really healthy. Then on Senior Year, I would style it constantly, which, needless to say, damaged the ends of my hair. Since I loved the length, I didn't really want to cut it. But I finally did, and have kept doing so regularly to keep it healthier. But lately, I've wanted to have my hair long again, but it's taking longer than usual for it to grow back to how it was (my hair usually grows really fast) and it's also been shedding a lot, so I don't have as much. So I'd love to win some of these extensions to get back my length and that boost of volume whenever I want it :)

  43. Just like you, my hair is very thin and lacks a lot of volume. I don't like to tease my hair to create volume because a bunch of hair falls out =[ I think trying extensions would be a great way to create the effect. I'm also planning to cut my hair because the ends are badly damaged, so the extensions are the perfect thing for me when i miss my long hair.
    fb: poww vang
    twitter: @themegapoww

  44. I have the exact same problem, had all my hair chopped off in a moment of madness and now it is (slowly) growning back it is thin and glassy.
    I have 3 weddings to go to this winter and would love to have perfect volumised long hair for them!

    Following on GFC
    Twitter: soph1386
    FB sophie jagger
    email sophjagger @

  45. I think I deserve a halo for deciding to grow my hair long and taking the best care I possibly can for my hair by regularly doing treatments, it's still fairly short though, I have a bit of an awkward haircut to grow out and not sure what to do as it is extremely fine.. I think hair extensions would be a fantastic help!

    I'm following you on gfc.
    My twitter username is: missdelarocha
    FB Tania Postolovski

  46. i deserve a halo for having the thinnest hair i have ever seen on anyone. it's so thin that i have to rely on hair extensions just for it to look average in thickness. i've been trying to grow it out for 2 years but because it's so thin it just snaps off, it has me in tears most days. i've been wearing clip in extensions for 5 years and it is so expensive! i've just moved away and i'm currently unemployed and looking for work so i cannot afford to buy new ones, i'm getting so desperate. this is a great opportunity for me to solve my problem.

    i follow you via GFC
    i RT'd your tweet, my twitter name is samanth19
    i tried liking your page and halo hair's facebook page but it wont let me?
    i follow halo hair on twitter.
    my email is


  47. why do i need this? because MY HAIR WON'T GROW. lol. i've always wanted to have long hair, but it takes so long to achieve the look! pretty much i want to be my ultimate hottest and that can't happen without these. lol.

    i follow you on here. (rach.)
    following them on twitter: @rachgent
    liked their FB page. (Rach Gent)
    liked yours! (Rach Gent)

    i want to winnnn this soooo bad!!!!!!

    love, rach.

  48. hello . thanks for this opportunity - now let me explain why id like to have a chance of receiving some halo_hair extensions - as ive found that my hair colour is very hard to match up to generic hair extensions as ti is an unusual dusty blonde so i've had alot of difficulty trying to be matched to extensions in general .

    another factor is that my hair is very thin - i mean very thin so id love to be able to clip in some extensions to change that limited factor i have :L plus it would mean i could vary my hair style if you get me as with my thin hair it isnt very versatile and i'd love to be about to have a full head of wavy curls - it is honestly my dream . also my hair is just over shoulder length so the extensions would give me a well deserved boost without the haslle of having of trying to grow it the the length i need.

    and finally i think extensions are great as not always do you want to have thick hair in summer you want it to be managable plus you dont want to look like a baldy :L so having the option to be hair to change your hair whenever you like has always been a big thing for me.

    sorry for the amount i wrote that is my honest reasoning so here is all my details

    i follow you on here via GFC- style.warrior blog
    tweeted as - Simply_Naturale
    follow halo hair on twitter
    liked your fb page (eloise allan)
    liked their fb page (eloise allan)
    my e-mail if need is or which ever is easiest :)!/Simply_Naturale

    thanks again for the opportunity :')

    Eloise - xo

  49. would love to win these as although my hair is long-ish its bland. It lacks volume and interest which sucks! My hair used to be full and shiny but i stupidly used straightners every day on it coz i thought i'd get bullied for my natural frizz. I'd love to win some of these to make my hair lovely again!?

    GFC: katiehamling (following)
    twitter: average_tweets (following)
    facebook: Katie Hamling (liked group)

  50. Enter me, please! Thank you! :)
    I've always had very fine & limp hair. I've never tried any extensions or weaving before. Halo Hair Extensions would be the best opportunity for the hair I've dreamed of for so long!!!

    Name/GFC: Rachel Villanueva
    Email: racheltvillanueva at yahoo dot com
    Twitter: followed you & Halo Hair as outdoor_kitty
    FB: liked Halo Hair & your page as Rachel Villanueva

  51. Enter me please

    i want to win this as my hair are shorts and light and i cant play them with colors... so it help me out to bring some changes through these hair extensions :)

    GFC: Fakhra Rafique
    Twitter: Fakhra07
    Facebook: Fakhra Rafique

  52. i am always trying to let my hair grow sadly though it gets to a certain length and then just seems to stop growing and just loses all life no matter what i try i would love some of these etensions , they will be part of my new look as well as i am making myself over i decided it is time to concentrate on me for once and work on what i want like losing weight etc
    i already follow on twitter and rt i am also a fan on facebook

  53. I would love to win as my hair is so thin atm. :(

    following via GFC and i am a liker on FB :)

    @kiki_725 on twitter

  54. i like halo hair on fb and twitter

    @kiki_725 on twitter

  55. i tweeted

    @kiki_725 on twitter

  56. I would love to win Halo extensions! I am cutting 10 inches of my hair off to donate to Locks of Love and these would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win such a cool prize! :)

    Have RT on Twitter as @g0t_bliss
    Facebook Nicole Ryan

  57. following on twitter @jessws2011
    following on facebook jessica whitehead-stevens
    on goolge as fun house
    tweeted masseage

    this prize is just what i need

  58. Love this giveaway!!<3

    GFC: Holly, Miss Fashion Beauty

    Follow HaloHair on twitter and tweeted: @hfashionbeautyx!/hfashionbeautyx/status/102784521124061184

    Liked HaloHair on Facebook: Miss Fashion Beauty

    Why i deserve to win?..
    The last time i tried hair extensions was about.. 6years ago.. and it didn't go very well.. i bought a cheap set and they pulling chunks of my hair out.. i ended up cutting it short after. I've been too scared to try hair extensions ever since. I would love to try halohair to overcome my fear of hair extensions. I want lovely long hair again..

    Thanks honey,

  59. I would love to win these, my hair is very fine, and has no volume to it, whatever I do with it, it just falls flat, been thinking about extensions for a while as they would give my hair that va va voom, have liked on facebook, twitter etc

  60. I deserve HALO hair extensions,because after giving birth to my son,my hair started to fall out.Which is quite common in most cases,not in my though.It's continuously been falling out for the past 3 years! GP can't find anything wrong with me after all the possible blood tests.I had a shoulder length hair,but i had to cut it into pretty short bob,because i just had no choice.I taking vitamin supplements,eating healthy and it's little to no improvement. I'm only 26 and i wan't to feel feminine again,and not being a tom boy.Rant is over,sorry if it was too long.
    Liked on Facebook
    Twitter sweetfame205

  61. Like you on FB and also Halo Hair extensions (Cat Whittall)

    Already follow blog

    Tweeted link (@drcat1981)

    I deserve halo hair extensions because I've just had my lower back length hair all cut off into a bob, which has no volume and looks awful and now miss my long locks :-(

  62. I'm soooooo happy!
    I follow you via GFC as JustAnAngel

    I want sooooooo bad the hair extensions because i want really long hair since childhood. When i was a little girl, my mom forced me to cut my hair.And i always wept. Cuz i wanted long hair,like all my friends.
    Five years ago, i had curly hair. Everyone love my curly hair except me. I started to straighten my hair. I wanted a long and a straight hair. I killed my hair nice and slow. Now i realise how stupid i was. In Romania, it's a saying : Give me God the mind i have now.
    A year ago, i wanted a bright hair color. I'm brunette. So, that why i asked my hairdresser to bleach my hair. She agree. I liked the color for 2 weeks. Then i wanted to cry a lot because my hair looked so damaged. Now my hair is falling and i have a lot of grey hair and i'm only 21 years old. I have to cut every month 4 cm because i have split ends and my hair look horrible. I'm very dissapointed because i took that decision a year ago. I want my long and healthy hair back. And i think this hair extensions would be a really great chance for me to feel happy again. I want this sooo bad.

    I follow via Twitter as JustAnAngel11 .
    Tweeted here:!/JustAnAngel11/status/103862492568109056

    I liked I am Fabulicious and HaloHair on Facebook as Alina Vrinceanu .

    Sorry for my English...

  63. I think I deserve a halo as my once thick hair has thinned drastically due to illness. I'm getting married soon and I'm not going to be outdone by my husband-to-be (whose lovely curly thick hair is down to his waist!)

    Tweeted and following Blog and Halo on FB/Twitter.

  64. Since developing liver and kidney disease, my hair has lost all its volume but I can't quite face cutting it short. This would give me the chance to cut it shorter but still have long hair.
    Following as @spanglisher

  65. I'd love to win a halo my hair has had so much abuse it was once full and thick but now very thin, I need more hair! Lol x
    Following as @CompingBeauty

  66. I am a follower (MamzelleSteph), I liked your facebook page and Halo Hair Extensions' page (Steph DC), I followed @halo_hair on twitter and tweeted about it (MamzelleStephDC)

    I would really like to win this because I did something stupid too: I permed my hair... 3 times -.- It ruined my hair completely and hairdresser wants to KILL ME!!! I tried to do masks, changed shampoo and everything to give my hair its natural health back, but nothing really works... I'm starting to think that I should really cut them short since it's the only way they'll grow back healthier, but I'm too afraid to do that... If I could win those extensions, it could probably save my hair!

  67. hi((=
    i would love to win these halo hair extensions because my hair does not grow. what so ever. i have tried so many things to get it to grow and it just simply doesn't. extensions are my only way, no lie. hair extensions are my only way to get the desired look the i have been longing for my whole entire like. it sucks. this is why i would absolutely LOVE to win these extensions((=

  68. Id love to win the Halo extensions,I have low thyroid which has caused really bad hair loss,my once nice thick hair is really thin and horrible.Id love to win these to make my hair look thicker and nicer.

    Im Tweeting/Following @YeOldeRockChick
    Liked on FB as Paula Evans

    Paula xx

  69. I think I deserve the halo hair extensions as I like you cut all my hair off and it seems to not want to grow back. I feel unconfident without hair extensions and when I have long hair I find I can be my normal self as I see long hair as a shield against the world :) I'd love to win these and have a go with some different extensions.

    Love love, Emmy xoxo

  70. OOH FAB!!! I, like you, chopped off my hair 2 years ago. I have been waiting since for it to grow but it hasn't got far passed my shoulders. I even dyed it brown which is my natural colour so I wouldn't have to keep getting blonde touch ups while trying to nurse it to health. But that didn't help either. I really want long hair again, I've tried everything. I follow with GFC (miss-eblog) & I liked your facebook page (Ellie misse profile/misseblog page), I follow Halo on twitter (@misseblog) & liked their facebook, I also tweeted (!/misseblog/status/107933182225158144) You have gorgeous hair!! xox

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Hi my name is Delynn and I think I should win these hair extensions because my 16 year old daughter is AlWAYS bugging me about her hair because it does not grow at all. When it does we have to cut it off because it gets stringy and ugly looking. But I would love to get these because her birthday is coming up and this would make her whole life if she got these. She has been bugging me to get her some but I lost my job a couple of months back and I am not able to buy her any and it makes it harder that I am a single mother of three kids and she gets jealous because even her brothers hair grows faster than hers does. This is why I think I deserve these hair extensions.
    Thanks for the opportunity to even try to receive these extensions.
    followed on twitter:drufe23
    followed on blog:drufe23
    liked on facebook (both halo hair extensions and i am fabulicious):Delynn Rufe(

  73. Love your extensions. My hair are very thin so they never grow long. When ever I try to do so they start falling...

    GFC: preciouspearl
    email: preciouspearlmakeup at gmail dot com

    Following you & halo hair on FB via precious pearl

    Following you and halo hair on twitter via pearlmakeup

    Tweeted link:!/pearlmakeup/status/107946637720166400

  74. GFC: MumOfOne
    Email: forceofnature at hotmail dot co dot uk

    Following you and Halo Hair on FB as Hazel Christopher

    Following on twitter @hlac1 and have tweeted

    I made a similar mistake as you. Had waist length hair but went for the chop. When I got their I, on the spur of the moment, decided it would look great to have half the side of my head shaved (WHAT WAS I THINKING) - I then had leopard print dyed into the shaved side...! I'm still growing my hair out and at the moment one side is lovely, thick and long, the other side is thin and short - I need something to balance it all out! Please help me and my wonky hair :)

  75. I deserve a halo because as like most the other people I cut my hair short! I did it in anger of being teased about how long my hair was when I was 12. If only I had stuck it out, I would still have long luscious locks. Anyway, 4 years on and my hair refuses to grow as long or as thick as it once was. If I had extensions it would simply make me a very happy girl :)

    Following on twitter as: @francescaewart
    Liked on facebook as: Francesca Anna Marie Ewart
    Followed and commented here on GFC.

  76. I have to say that you look absolutely gorgeous with your hair short. The condition of your hair is extremely healthy, shiny and strong. The cut is adorable and the style compliments your face beautifully. I am the first to say that regardless of how lovely my hair might look to others in shorter styles, I will always love having long hair.

    That said, your hair also looks beautiful long with the Halo extensions. You are one of those lucky ladies who would look beautiful even if you were completely bald. Of all people, I completely understand you desiring to have long hair and I can appreciate how sexy having long hair makes you feel. My sense is you and I will probably still be wearing our hair long even when we're 100 years old and we will still look hot rocking the long look. However, I simply had to tell you that you have a gorgeous face, gorgeous hair and you should ALWAYS be proud of the way you look regardless of the jealous, vicious things others might say to us.

    As for all the women entering this contest, the same holds true. You are ALL as beautiful as you feel. Don't ever let anyone ever convince you that you are anything less than FANTABULOUS because being FABULICIOUS is a STATE OF MIND. If you think, or rather, if you KNOW you are FABULICIOUS, then you will ALWAYS be FABULICIOUS!!!!!

    Most importantly, as women, please ALWAYS be kind and caring to your fellow sisters. We NEED each other!

    I already entered this contest above and I DO NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS COMMENT. However, after reading the above comments, I simply felt the urge to write this last comment.

    kleimanlaw at aol dot com

  77. I'm desperate to win these extensions, I 'need' long hair for my wedding in December :)

    I already follow your blog as Toni@The Beauty Spot & have liked both facebook pages (The Beauty Spot) and have tweeted (@thebeautyspotuk)


  78. I'd love a Halo as my hair is starting to thin having had two children.

    Following with GFC as M.
    Following @halo_hair on Twitter and FB
    Have tweeted as @maisietoo.
    Following I am Fab. on FB as Maya Russell

  79. i would love a halo as after dying my hair blonde n burning it with bleach its short now n need to wear extensions badly!

  80. I deserve a Halo because I'm a mum and mums always deserve a Halo according to @halo_hair ;-) And my hair is thin too...!

    GFC: Ruth
    I like your FB page (Ruth Gistelinck)
    Following @halo_hair on Twitter (RuthGBCN) & Facebook (Ruth Gistelinck)
    I RTed:!/RuthGBCN/status/111405025917538304

    Thanks!! xx

  81. I deserve a halo because my hair is ridiculous and just refuses to grow past shoulder length. It is also horrifically messy and I think extensions would help make me look smarter for work!
    I follow via GFC as Dani, and have done all the required "liking" and following :)

  82. Following your blog via google friends connect.
    I like I am Fabulicious on Facebook.
    I follow @halo_hair via Twitter and have liked them on facebook.
    I've tweeted @piperanddaisy
    I need a halo because my hair looks like I sold its soul to the devil and Satan is calling in his payment! I'm never going to have angelic hair unless I can get my hands on a halo!

  83. I already follow ur blog via gfc as Sadi

    I already like I am Fabulicious on facebook as Sadia Latif..

    I follow halo_hair on twitter @Sad20ful
    and have liked them on facebook as Sadia Latif

    I have tweeted here :!/Sad20ful/status/113151366159020033

    email :

    I deserve a halo as I did the same thing as you and cut my hair off.
    I loved it at first.
    but then now i really miss my long hair and now I need of some good hair extensions.. My hair are looking so ridiculous and they just refuse to grow faster :( :(

    Good luck to everyone !!!

  84. Following with GFC, Facebook and twitter

    I would love to win as i have been trying to grow my hair for 3 years and no matter what i do i can never get it past my shoulders.My 16 year old daughter has just found out she is pregnant too so i really need a treat to make me feel younger as i really dont feel old enough to be a nan yet

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