Monday, 22 August 2011

Q&A with Coronation Street's Catherine Tyldesley

All you Coronation Street fans will recognise this lady immediately.

As one of the newest members of the cobbles, Catherine Tyldesley is quickly making her presence known playing  feisty Eva Price, daughter of the Rovers new Landlady, played by Michelle Collins.

I Am Fabulicious caught up with Catherine to grill her on what it takes to be a Coronation Street beauty!


Can  you tell me what’s in your make up bag today Catherine?

*Tracey Bell Age perfecting Mineral liquid foundation - I cant live without this!
*YSL False Effect mascara
*'Make Believe' Enhance Bronzer
*Me, Me, Me Blusher (Coral)
*YSL Touche Eclat
*Various MAC Eyeshadows
*MAC Eyeliner
*Burts Bee's Hand Cream 


Have the products you use and the way you look after your skin changed since starting in Corrie?

Not really,  although I have discovered ARTDECO products since starting on' Corrie' and use a lot of their products. I swear by the Caviar Treasures Treatments - Gorgeous. 

Do the girls on set ever share beauty tips with each other?

Every day! Michelle Collins and I talk hair and beauty a lot! We're very girly!

Catherine with her Corrie Family
So, come on spill! Who’s the beauty queen on set?

 Well, Katherine Kelly (who plays Becky McDonald) says I am! Im a real girly girl. I love make-up and pampering!

 What is your all time favourite beauty brand?

 There’s a difficult question, I use a few different brands. They all have their strengths.

 Do you have a beauty Icon? If so, who?

 Marilyn Monroe. Glamour, sex, class and elegance. She had it all.

I am Fabulicious : (Catherine is clearly a woman of great taste!)

Getting Papped on the way to work- happens to us all! (not really)

Would you ever leave the house fresh faced and make up free?

 Ha ha. Never! Apart from when Im on holiday , or on my way to work. Even then there’s normally some tinted moisturiser on mascara on the go!  

Can you share with us one of your trade secret beauty tips?

Invest in good skin treatments, eat well, take vitamins and supplements to accommodate ones lifestyle. Don't smoke. Don't drink too much. Lots of SLEEP.

 Have you ever had a beauty disaster?

Oh yes - lots! I went through a phase of wearing waaaay too much make-up. My nickname was 'drag queen Cath'. I often get a bit giddy with the fake tan too...this time last weekend I looked like a giant 'Wotsit'!

What was the best piece of beauty advice you have ever been given?

My grandma has always given the best beauty tips - she looks AMAZING. Look after your skin, nails and hair. And eat well. 

So there you have it Fabulicious readers. Even big TV stars like Catherine are fans of good old high street brands like MeMeMe and Burts Bees!

You can keep up with all of Catherine’s gossip on her twitter page @Cath_Tyldesley


  1. love this! Im a HUGE corrie fan! (dont forget its on twice tonight!) hehe x

  2. Agreed! Im absolutely loving these celebrity beauty interviews! Brings a whole new twist to a beauty blog- keep up the good work!

  3. I love these interviews! :)

  4. Great interview, and really great advice! Thanks for sharing :)



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