Thursday, 26 April 2012

Tuesday 27th March- 1 Day Post Op

Tuesday 27th March- 1 Day Post Op

I got all of about one hour’s sleep last night, what with tossing and turning and being unable to move. On top of that, what with the issues with going to the loo, my night was nothing short of farcical!

I woke up at 6am when my Mr’s alarm clock went off (he’s off to work today) and i decided that i needed to get up. I simply couldn’t just lay there any longer.

My god was i stiff! It hurt like hell, but I slowly hobbled my way out of bed and dragged myself downstairs, plonking myself on the sofa before immediately taking my painkillers.

I was so desperately uncomfortable in all my padding that i took the terrifying decision to change my dressings.

I let my painkillers kick in, then gingerly made my way to the bathroom.

What the hell was i going to be confronted with? Swollen, bloody, bruised flesh oozing liquid everywhere? Huge drains stitched into me that looked revolting?

I could feel my heart racing.

I took a moment to give myself a talking to and closed the door, plastic bin bag, towels and clean padding and wadding in hand.

I slowly and nervously undid the hook and eyes on my garment, sick to my stomach at the thought of what possible sight may await me underneath.

I breathed a sigh of relief as i finally released the garment and saw myself packed with dressings.

Layer by layer i slowly removed the heavy, fluid soaked pads until there was nothing left but me and my body.

I held my breath as i looked up at the mirror, bracing myself for the worst.

I needn’t have be so scared. Far from it being some horrific, bloody scene, i was merely confronted by me. Granted a somewhat dirty, stained and pen-covered me, but it was just me.

There were no horrendous bruises, no blood stained marks, nothing. Just me, albeit a far slimmer version me.
(As always, please see my designated Vaser Lipo Diary Tab if you wish to see more graphic photos)

My waist was slim and my flanks now formed a delicate smooth curve as opposed to the lumpy heap which only yesterday had sat on top of my hips.
My 1st Before/After Photo! Left: Pre surgery Right: 1 day post surgery.  See more HERE

 I'm not ashamed to admit I may have shed a little tear of relief and happiness.

I felt overwhelmed by the feeling of comfort and freedom from being released from the tight constraints of the garment.

This feeling didn't last long however, as I knew I had to put it back on.

I dressed my open wounds and covered my drains with more dressing and found it infinitely easier to put my garment back on now without so much padding.

While the garment is still very tight, the absence of the extra pressure from all the layers of padding and dressings was definitely a welcome relief.

I had been told that it is really important to ensure that after this procedure you drink lots of fluids to help flush out the toxins in your system and aid recovery.

Consequently, I'm spending the majority of my day undoing and doing up my garment to visit the loo.

In-between one of my toilet trips I received a call from Dr Comins , which took me rather by suprise.

He was calling to see how i was, not one of his nurses, him, personally, which i found really nice and extremely reassuring.

I told him that I was in a lot of pain, to which he replied that he wasn't surprised.

I asked why that was, at which point he told me that during the procedure, while I was under sedation, I kept waking up and saying ‘’ouch’’.  

He told me that they had had to pump me with enough morphine for a man twice my size to keep me under.

He told me that there was the possibility that the painkillers he had prescribed me (cocodamol) may be ineffective in controlling my pain levels due to my liver metabolising the drugs quickly and my ‘’obvious strong constitution!" 

I did giggle and text my husband to tell him he was basically married to an ox!

I was somewhat disheartened by this news as i really did need some pain relief. My body felt heavy, sore and bruised, but i hoped to sleep most of the day to avoid the pain i felt while conscious.

I’m not up to writing much, but I'm back at the clinic tomorrow to have my first lymphatic drainage massage, something which seems impossible for me to comprehend as i can barely tolerate my body being touched let alone massaged!

Once again, i find myself scared...

Still, i only have to look back at the photos of me on the day of my surgery and the ones i took this morning to be reassured that it’s going to be all worth it.


  1. OMG, your results look amazing!! Congrats and don't worry, you will be recovered in no time and it will all be worth it! :)

  2. Wow, that is such an amazing result. I hope everything went ok with the massage and that the pain subsides soon xx

  3. OMG!! Well done for having the guts to do it. Looks fab and so worth it! x


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