Friday, 27 April 2012

Pure Coconut Oil

Before you say anything, i know that this doesn’t look quite as exciting, pretty or fabulous as some of the products I’ve reviewed before, but bare with me.

Allow me to introduce you to something called Pure Coconut Oil from Holland and Barrett.

 I mentioned this multi purpose item a few months back when it came to light that supermodel Miranda Kerr eats 4 tablespoon's of this oil every day to help maintain her glossy hair and luminous skin.

But, did you know this item can be used in other ways?

For example, it makes an incredible, 100% pure and natural moisturiser.

Granted it’s not much to look at and when stored in a cool place, the oil actually becomes fairly solid. It is white and pearly in colour, hard to touch and looks neither like it would make a decent moisturiser or a tasty supplement.

The oil in semi solid form

When warmed between the palms of your hand however, it is transformed in to a warm, oily liquid which is perfect for moisturing dry skin.

I love warming the oil up in my hands, massaging it into my skin and enjoying the delicate, sweet aroma of coconut that envelops you as it skins into your skin leaving it silky smooth.

See how it melts into a gorgeous oil

The oily texture quickly melts away leaving your skin supple and smooth without a hint of grease.

Im still not sold on the concept of ingesting it, but it has now become a much loved staple in my beauty regime.

Pure Coconut Oil is available from Holland and Barrett and costs £14.99 for a big tub.


  1. ooh, intersting. I like a product that can be used for different things. Less to pack when you travel. They always have deal on in that store too, may try this...

  2. if it's good enough for Miranda Kerr, it's good enough for me! xx

  3. I love coconut oil, it's brilliant. I use it on my baby who has very dry skin :) I love how it's oily so very moisturising but doesn't leave your skin feeling greasy.

  4. i use pure coconut oil as a hair mask, its really good stuff. just a heads up, you can purchase a tub of coconut oil this size from the ethnic food aisle in tesco for like £2.50 xx

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  6. coconut oil is a staple product (skin treatment, hair treatment and also in food) in every Indian household. Good to see it's getting popularity internationally too :)

  7. I use exactly the same one. I eat it and use it on my hair and nails. You can use it as a natural sweetener in tea and you can even fry with it! It does wonders for dry skin and hair, even when taken internally. My hair and skin have been never looked so good. It's also anti-fungal. My favourite way to have it is on toast instead of margarine, with chopped banana and a bit of honey. xoxo

  8. i have this coconut oil too i use it on my hair as an overnight treatment not too keen on eating it too haha

  9. It is really nice to eat and extremely good for you too, it has anti microbial properties, is excellent for heart health (contrary to the propoganda promoted by the corn and soy industries) and tastes very nice too. Try some!

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