Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Estee Lauder Daywear Anti-Oxidant BB Creme

Estee Lauder is the latest brand to bring out its own BB Crème.

As a quick re-cap, BB crème means ‘Blemish Balm’, or in Estee Lauders words, ‘Beauty Benefit’.

It is an oil free, light feeling crème for all skin types that protects, perfects and moisturises all in one hit.

With spring not too far away you may be thinking of ditching your heavy, winter foundation for a lighter, fresher product. If that is the case, may I suggest you give this beauty a try.

The Daywear Anti-Oxidant BB Crème can be worn alone or under foundation thanks to its sheer, natural coverage which minimises flaws and maximises your skins radiance.

One of the things I love most about this crème is the way in which it controls excess oil on the skin, inhibiting shine for a beautiful finish without looking heavy and greasy.

(I’m talking about you Garnier BB)

Also packed into this miracle-like product is Estee Lauder’s Super Anti-Oxidant Complex to protect your skin from the environment, light reflective pearls and sheer pigments to help perfect the skin and barrier boosting lipids to provide deep, lasting moisturisation.

Oh and to top it all off it also has an SPF of 35.

I’ve tried several BB crèmes and this is by far and away my favourite, as well as being the most expensive at £32 for 30ml.


The formula is perfect for my oily skin, allowing me to finally enjoy the benefit’s of BB crèmes without the unwanted shiny appearance which generally occurs, requires constant blotting!

I tried and swatched the crème in ‘light’ though as you can see it is not really that light and subsequently required quite a bit of blending.

 That said, once blended it melted into my skin to create a light and flawless coverage which brightened up my skin and gave it a lovely warm glow.

Unlike many other cremes it had a gorgeous, fresh delicate fragrance which reminded me of cucumber.

Estee Lauder’s Daywear Anti-Oxidant BB Crème is certainly a treat for your face and is available now.

Get Clarins Instant Smooth Perfecting Touch with BuyaPowa

For those of you beauty addicts who frequent Twitter, I’m sure you will have heard of BuyaPowa by now.

For those of you unfamiliar, BuyaPowa is a site that allows you to buy high end, gorgeous, full size beauty products at a hugely discounted price thanks to the power of co-buying.

Basically, the more people that buy the product, the cheaper it becomes. 

 (Sounds good eh)

Even better is that the person who spreads the word about a live co-buy and encourages the most amount of other people to buy the product, gets theirs for free!

There is a huge range of brands and products that come up so you need to keep your eyes peeled and check their site regularly to make sure you don’t miss out.

This week, BuyaPowa will be selling Clarins Instant Smooth Perfecting Touch (15ml), an award winning primer.


(And if you read my posts regularly you will know that i believe that to not to prime is a crime!)



The product has an ultra-light, ultra-smooth texture which glides on skin, filling in and smoothing away the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and enlarged pores.


It has a beautifully delicate, barely noticeable scent, which reminds me of baby cream!


The product can be used alone, prior to or mixed-in with your foundation.



 Clarins’ Smooth Perfecting Touch retails at £24 but on BuyaPowa you know that you will be getting it at a hugely discounted rate, and possibly even for free! 


The more people that buy, the lower the price the product becomes until it reaches it best price limit


SO, what do you have to lose? Head over to BuyaPowa now and keep your eyes peeled for Clarins’ Smooth Perfecting Touch as well as a host of other amazing products coming soon such as the OPI Nicki Minaj collection, Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick and YSL Shocking Effect Mascara.

Monday, 30 January 2012

The Lip Balm From L'Oreal That Colour Adapts To Suit You!

As a kid, did any of you ever own one of those ‘mood rings’?

You know the ones, that reacted to the heat of your finger and glowed different colours?

Well, L’Oreal have taken that idea and created a lip balm that adapts uniquely to the heat and moisture of your lips to create a bespoke and individual colour!

Studio Secrets Universal Lip Glow is L’Oreal Paris’ first made to measure lip balm and contains pomegranate sterol, oils and polymers to provide a long lasting tint with a weightless non drying finish.

Don’t be scared by its luminous pink glow reminiscent of a pink hi-lighter pen, the balm does not come out that colour on your lips!

As you can see from my photos, when applied to the lips it leaves a subtle,  pretty pink sheen which can go from a warm pinky shade to a baby pink tint dependant on the state of your lips.

My lips were warm today and so the pink was a warmer tone, however once outside it became a much paler shade, which was really pretty!

As its essentially a lip balm, you can reapply as often as you like without worrying about it looking heavy or drying your lips out- indeed it leaves them lovely and soft!

Without the Balm
With the L'Oreal Studio Secrets Universal Lip Glow

So, what do you think? Can 1 shade suit all? Have you tried this? 

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Lynx Attract for Her Competition!

The other week you may remember seeing my post about Lynx for Girls and like the majority of my readers, questioned whether it was a genuine product or just an elaborate fake. 

I can now reveal that the ebay item was indeed genuine and Lynx really have created a fragrance for us girls!
To celebrate this Lynx have kindly offered to give away 8 of their brand new cans to followers of I Am Fabulicious, so now you can be one of the first to try their new product!

Available nationwide from February 1st  the scents are reportedly so seductive they will bring the opposite sexes together creating chaos in everyday life.

(Sounds fun!)

I have tried the Lynx Attract body spray for her and can confirm that it is actually a really pleasant, sweet and feminine smelling spray.

It smells goooooood!
For you chance to win one of 8 cans, simply complete the following steps:


     *  Follow I Am Fabulicious via google friends connect and leave your contact details in the comment section below

     *  Follow Lynx on their Facebook page here

      *  RT the following on twitter:

Unleash the Chaos & #win 1 of 8 brand new @lynxeffectuk For Her Bodysprays with @Sarah_berryman1 http://tinyurl.com/7vpguvx

The competition closes on 14th Feb, goodluck!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Feel Good on The Inside with give on the mobile®

 Have any of you made any New Years resolutions this year? 

Perhaps you have vowed to lose weight, give up smoking or find a new job?

All very valid resolutions indeed, but what about a resolution that sees you doing something for someone else?

The majority of my posts are all about how to feel and look good on the outside, but what about doing something to make you feel good on the inside too?

Chances are you won’t have heard of a company called give on the mobile®.

In a nutshell, it is a new organisation which allows you to simply & securely donate £1, £3 or just £5 to your favourite charity using your smart phone, Blackberry or iPhone.

You download their free app from your app store and then are able to select from a list of charities which have signed up to the organisation and donate as little as £1, £3 or £5 to them by a few little taps of your phone.

The money comes out of your phone bill and goes to your chosen charities which greatly need your help.

Lets be honest, how many times have you been approached on the street by people canvassing for charities but can't be faffed to stand around in the cold and fill in your details?

How many times have you seen an advert on TV but can’t be bothered to go online or phone them up to find out how to donate?

That’s why give on the mobile® is here. Once you download their free app you can donate whenever and whenever you like, and you aren’t bullied into giving huge amounts of money and you aren’t signed into a contract saying you must donate once a month for a year or so.

Ever wondered where your money really goes, what difference you really make by donating to charity? Well the news section on the app keeps you up to date with all the news from your favourite charity and keeps you informed about the impact you truly make.

In reality, you really aren’t going to notice an extra few quid on top of your phone bill (which most of us don’t even look at), but you will notice the difference in the way you feel when you click that ‘donate’ button and get that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that your small efforts will help others in a big way.

I realise that this is not the beauty post you would expect from me, but it’s about feeling good on the inside as well as the outside.

The Give On The Mobile Ap

So what are you waiting for? Head over to your app store or tap http://gotm.mobi into your phones web browser to download give on the mobile® and see what a difference you could make. 

Remember, true beauty comes from within.


Some of the charities you can give on the mobile® to include;


Monday, 23 January 2012

Disney Princesses & The Real Women Behind Them

Have you ever wondered what the face of the real person behind your favourite Disney Princess looked like?

Was she as beautiful as your heroine? Did she look like anything like her at all?

I know i have long wondered if the woman who sung for Ariel in The Little Mermaid, had long , flowing red hair to match her characters, or if the voice behind Snow White had hair as black an ebony too.

So, while this is not strictly beauty related (though i think perhaps it could be loosely)  i decided that after 26 years, id like to know who these women were a take a look at  and the faces behind the enchanting and mesmerising voices that filled my childhood.

Snow White

Adriana Caselotti 

Adriana was 18 when Walt Disney personally chose her for the voice of Snow White in his first full length animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). He was looking for a fresh and natural voice, and asked her father if any of his students might be suitable, but on hearing Adriana's voice realized his search was over. It was the days of studio contracts and indenture, and Walt wanted to keep the mystery of the Snow White voice, so except for a bit part in The Wizard of Oz (1939) she was in no other film.

Sleeping Beauty

 Mary Costa 

In 1952, after meeting people at a party with her future husband, director Frank Tashlin, she auditioned for the part of Disney's Princess Aurora. Walt Disney called her personally within hours of the audition to inform her that the part was hers.

The Little Mermaid

 Jodi Benson

Jodi Benson, a native of Rockford, Illinois, has received worldwide recognition and critical acclaim as the voice of "Ariel" in the Academy Award-winning Walt Disney animated feature film The Little Mermaid (1989), as well as the bubbly voice of "Tour Guide Barbie" in Disney's Toy Story 2 (1999), winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture.


Irene Bedard (Above right)
Daughter of an Inupiat Eskimo and a French Canadian/Cree she was the physical model for the Pocahontas character in the Disney films. She was the voice of Pocahontas in the Disney animated film, and went on to play Pocahontas's mother in 2005's "The New World."
Judy Kuhn (Below)
Judy sang the title role in Disney's animated film, Pocahontas, as well as in the straight-to-video sequel, Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World. She also sang as Pocahontas in If You Can Dream, a Disney Princess song


 Beauty & The Beast

Paige O’Hara 

O'Hara's most notable appearance on screen was as the voice of Belle in the animated Disney film Beauty and the Beast, a role she has reprised for all subsequent spin-offs and sequels of the film, including the Square Enix/Disney Kingdom Hearts video game series. Beauty and the Beast was nominated for numerous Academy Awards (including the Best Picture and three nominations for Best Original Song), and consequently, she also performed live at the Oscars in 1992.


 Ilene Woods

Her songwriter- friends Mack David and Jerry Livingston asked her, as a favour, to record two of their newest songs, not telling her that they were for the upcoming Disney animated feature Cinderella (1950). When Walt Disney heard her voice on the recordings, he chose her to voice that film's title role

 Princess Jasmine from Aladdin  

Linda Larkin

She is best known for providing the speaking voice of Princess Jasmine in the movie Aladdin and various Aladdin sequels and spin-offs, as well as in the Kingdom Hearts video game series. In order for her to voice Princess Jasmine she had to lower her voice due to Disney saying her voice was too high for Jasmine's voice

Now, i don't know about you but i think both Snow White and Sleeping Beauty look a LOT like the women who voiced them (Princess Aurora and Mary Costa even have the same eybrows!) - yes the lady behind Pocahontas' voice does too, but then she was the model for her character.

What do you think, have i unintentionally shattered your illusions? Did you image them to look as they do, and more important, what was your favourite Disney film? 


Benefit Introduces Hervana to It's Collection!

Next week sees the first new product launch from Benefit for 2012, and it’s a good ‘un!

Available from February is Hervana, a blusher packed with good Karma.

 The pretty blush contains swirls of four heavenly shades all of which are perfect for spring;

 Lucky Shell, Divine Peach, Heavenly Rose & Berry Delight.

 When swirled together and applied to your face, the face powder gives you a soft, gorgeous, orchard blossom flush.

The peach and shell colours stop the blusher from being too ‘pink’, but indeed if that’s the look you are after simply swirl your brush around the colours you desire and then apply.

Hervana swatch: A light dusting on the outside with the blusher more built up to create a more powerful shade towards the center

I love this product and prefer it to some of their other much loved face powders for it's delicate, pretty and soft look. 

Hervana costs £23.50 and is available from Benefit from February.

Meet Naomi Yasuda, Nail Technician to Lady Gaga

 Meet Naomi Yasuda.

Naomi is a celebrity nail design artist extraordinaire! 

Meet the woman behind the nails, Naomi Yasuda
 Born and raised in Japan, she showed a predisposition for detail and creativity at an early age.

In 2007 she moved to New York City where creating beautiful and artistic nail designs has become her career and her passion.

Her work has graced the pages of many magazines and music videos and she has built up an ardent following amongst some of the world's biggest celebrities including Keri Hilson, Alicia Keys and Lady Gaga.

(Lady frickin Gaga. Wow) 

After pouring over amazing images after images of her work, I just had to speak to her.

I also had to post as many of her incredible designs as I physically had room to post!

So, here’s what she had to say on her talent, her top nail tips and on working with Lady Gaga!

What made you decide to become a nail artist extraordinaire?

I always liked doing my nails. I started doing my friend’s nails and my families nails and soon after I realized I was really good at it.

Your nail creations are nothing short of works of art. Where do you draw your inspiration from for your designs?

I get my nail design inspiration everywhere- fashion, art, music, people etc.. I always try to do something new. 

How did you become involved in working with such high profile celebrities?

 My first celebrity client was Keri Hilson. I met her through her make up artist. She was the one who introduced Lady Gaga to me. Since then i get all of my celebrity clients by word of mouth.

Who has been your favourite client?

I like all my clients. Celebrities, regular clients it really doesn't matter, but i remember when i first worked with Alicia Keys I was so excited because I was huge fan of hers.

Lady Gaga

Alicia Keys

Courtney Love
What was Lady Gaga like to work with?

Actually I haven't done her nails for a while but when I met her she was very friendly.  She was also very professional.   

Is there a particular ‘look’ that you have been most proud of?

In November last year I made press on nail tips and minx nails for Barneys NY, Lady Gaga’s work shop. 
Naomi's designs for Gaga's Workshop at Barneys

 This project would have usually taken 4 to 5 months for me but I did everything in 2 months! I was so lucky to have an amazing team.

Naomi's Designs for Gaga's Workshop
Do you have a favourite nail polish brand?

I like Essie (they have a great brush) but also Dior and Chanel have very interesting colours.

What top tip would you give for keeping your nails healthy and gorgeous?

Always put on a base and top coat. Nails are part of your skin, so eat good proteins and you’re your vitamins to make sure your nails are healthy from  the inside.

What is the best part about your job?

I get to meet a lot of people. My clientele is very diverse.

She’s not wrong!!
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