Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Feel Good on The Inside with give on the mobile®

 Have any of you made any New Years resolutions this year? 

Perhaps you have vowed to lose weight, give up smoking or find a new job?

All very valid resolutions indeed, but what about a resolution that sees you doing something for someone else?

The majority of my posts are all about how to feel and look good on the outside, but what about doing something to make you feel good on the inside too?

Chances are you won’t have heard of a company called give on the mobile®.

In a nutshell, it is a new organisation which allows you to simply & securely donate £1, £3 or just £5 to your favourite charity using your smart phone, Blackberry or iPhone.

You download their free app from your app store and then are able to select from a list of charities which have signed up to the organisation and donate as little as £1, £3 or £5 to them by a few little taps of your phone.

The money comes out of your phone bill and goes to your chosen charities which greatly need your help.

Lets be honest, how many times have you been approached on the street by people canvassing for charities but can't be faffed to stand around in the cold and fill in your details?

How many times have you seen an advert on TV but can’t be bothered to go online or phone them up to find out how to donate?

That’s why give on the mobile® is here. Once you download their free app you can donate whenever and whenever you like, and you aren’t bullied into giving huge amounts of money and you aren’t signed into a contract saying you must donate once a month for a year or so.

Ever wondered where your money really goes, what difference you really make by donating to charity? Well the news section on the app keeps you up to date with all the news from your favourite charity and keeps you informed about the impact you truly make.

In reality, you really aren’t going to notice an extra few quid on top of your phone bill (which most of us don’t even look at), but you will notice the difference in the way you feel when you click that ‘donate’ button and get that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that your small efforts will help others in a big way.

I realise that this is not the beauty post you would expect from me, but it’s about feeling good on the inside as well as the outside.

The Give On The Mobile Ap

So what are you waiting for? Head over to your app store or tap into your phones web browser to download give on the mobile® and see what a difference you could make. 

Remember, true beauty comes from within.


Some of the charities you can give on the mobile® to include;


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