Thursday, 19 January 2012

How to protect your skin in Winter

 Despite the relatively mild weather we have been having this winter, it is indeed, despite appearances, still winter.
While you may not enjoy being cold and wet and then hot and stuffy (thanks central heating!) I can guarantee that your skin dislikes it even more!
We all need to look after our skin, because lets face it, it’s what looks after us, but how can we protect it best in winter?
 Head over to Tesco Magazine’s website today to take a look at my top skincare tips to help you through the winter months.
Have you checked it out yet? Come back here after and let me know what you think.
Click here to take a look.
Well, what are your thoughts? How do you keep your skin gorgeous in winter?


  1. sudocrem is the only thing that helps my skin in the winter plus lots of water

  2. Really love your blog - can't wait for this Lynx for girls malarkey to come out in the UK!

    I use oils as well - argan oil to be precise! I've mentioned it in my blog here.

    Hope you'll follow me back; I'm quite new but we definitely have similar interests!

  3. As the post shows the fabulous information about how to protect our skin in winter. It's completely looking one of the winter skincare featured post. As I am completely amazed to see this one. Thanks for sharing.

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