Heres the history part, listen up folks: The first known reference to the name Vaseline was by the inventor of petroleum jelly, Robert Chesebrough in his U.S. patent for the process of making petroleum jelly in 1872. "I, Robert Chesebrough, have invented a new and useful product from petroleum which I have named Vaseline…".
If only he could have known just how useful this little miracle product really was! This product can be used on dry babies skin, sore chapped lips, to smooth stray hairs, and apparently can be used a form of lube for those who don’t have anything else to hand. Nice.
Now I’d like to take credit for finding yet another use for Vaseline, but i must be honest and hand this one over to my Mum.
As a kid growing up and experimenting with make up and mascara, she always told me not to use eye make up remover. Its widely known that certain types of eye make up remover can strip the lashes of their natural oils, making them brittle, more prone to breaking and therefore not conducive to growing long luscious lashes.
Instead, try using Vaseline with a cotton pad and warm water. This even works with waterproof mascara and not only takes your eye make up off, but conditions your eyes and lashes at the same time. (Yes really)
It is a method that me, my mum and my sister have followed religiously, and all three of us have been complimented on our long lashes. This is the truth!
You can even take this one step further and leave a little blob of it rubbed into your lashes over night for extra conditioning, something I do daily without fail much to the amusement of my fiancé as I go to bed every night with shiny eyes!
It’s a small price to pay. Try it and please let me know if you think it works!