Thursday, 21 March 2013

Tria Hair Removal Laser Review

Have you ever thought about ditching your razors, binning your hair removal creams and waving goodbye to waxing?

Yeah me too- and not because I’ve decided to go au natural!

Hair removal is so time consuming, expensive and repetitive.

No sooner than you’ve shaved, waxed or melted away your hairs, there they appear again, taunting you and laughing at your futile efforts to get rid of them.

Well, not anymore!

For the past 6 month’s I’ve been winning my war against unwanted body hair with the help of Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser.

Nope, I’ve not been booking myself in for regular laser hair removal at some swanky beauticians, I’ve been blitzing my hairs from the comfort of my own home with their hand held home use device.

But how?

 Well, thanks to its breakthrough diode laser technology (until now only available professionally) the hand-held cordless device emits beams of laser light which focus on the hair follicles beneath the skin’s surface, disrupting future growth.

The laser targets the pigment in the hair which absorbs the heat, gently disabling the follicles and removing the existing hair and preventing future hair re-growth.

Sounds amazing so far right? Stick with it.

The Tria Hair Removal Laser needs to reach each hair follicle during its growth cycle, so they say to use the device once every two weeks for 6-8 months  to see optimum results. You can use it weekly if you want to see quicker results.

Quick and easy to use this, the device can be safely used on legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, stomach, hands, feet, jaw and upper lip.

Tria say that after 2 treatments you will experience up to 70% less hair re-growth, and any hair growing back will be lighter and finer, and in as little as six months you could have permanent freedom from the endless rigours of shaving and waxing.

BUT, the Tria does not work on blonde, grey, white, or red body hair. These hairs, even if dyed, do not contain enough pigment to absorb the laser light and It is also unsuitable for people with dark skin tones because of higher levels of melanin in the skin.

How do you use it?

To use, prepare the area by shaving the hair you wish to remove. This will allow the laser treatment to be most effective since the laser works on the hair inside the follicle, under the surface of the skin.

Next turn it on. Unlock the laser by locating the skin sensor which is a red light on the device base and hold it against the skin you wish to treat. 

This will beep and unlock the device once it has determined that the area you want to treat is suitable for use with the device

Select the level of treatment you want to use. You have the option of strengths from 1-5, 1 being the mildest, 5 being the strongest.

Start at a low treatment level (1 or 2) and then increase by one treatment level at a time until you've reached the highest treatment level comfortable to you. The higher the treatment level, the faster and better the results. (Yes, and the higher you go, the more painful too)

Establish a treatment area and place the laser tip on your skin, on the area you wish to treat, making sure that it is flat on your skin. Hold the laser tip in place until you hear a beep.

After each beep, just glide or lift and place the laser tip about 0.5cm (¼ inch) and wait for the next beep. You want to make sure that the laser tip slightly overlaps the area that you just treated.

Does it hurt?

Yes, sort of. Obviously this depends on which area you are treating. I found my arm pits were more sensitive than my legs, and my bikini line was more sensitive than my arm pits.
Indeed I could only manage level 2 on my arm pits and bikini line for several weeks before I plucked up the courage to crank it up a notch!

What does it feel like?

It feels like warm pin pricks, or a warm elastic band being pinged against your skin. 

I did find that I got used to this sensation and was able to cope with the higher levels of treatment several weeks in.

Yes Yes, but does it work?


Now, this is not a quick fix- It requires time and dedication as well as a certain amount of bravery at the beginning, but very quickly I noticed my hair wasn’t growing back as quickly or thickly as it had before.

In a matter of months I found the hair wasn’t growing back at all! I can’t tell you how much this pleased me!

I now only give it a top up every few weeks and I am utterly thrilled with the results.


I never thought I’d like or get on with a laser hair removal device, but Tria has saved me from the irritation and annoyance of constantly having to shave!

 The device costs £375 which sounds expensive, however, think about how much you spend yearly on razors, shaving gel, hair removal creams or waxing appointments.

This £375 is an investment that works out at just £31 a month for a year and will allow  you to live a fuzz free existence, which In my opinion, is priceless.

The Tria Hair Removal Laser costs £375.00 and is available at Space NK , Harrods, Harvey Nichols & Selfridges and online at


  1. Oh wow, I would so love one of these. I am so sick of razors, creams and waxing. Men have it so easy! £375 is a bit steep.. but I imagine it would make it's money with the cost of other hair removals in time! xx
    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. It looks expensive, but after speaking to some of my friends and hearing how much they spent on laser treatment in a salon, this sounds a steal!

  2. This sounds amazing, but a little pricey for me at the moment, will have to save up!
    Laura x

  3. Great results
    spend a fortune on things to remove hair
    Don't know if suitable have black hair and am a fair asian

  4. Seems as a great machine, but honestly I want to go for a specialized laser hair removal by Dr. Jerome Edelstein, not trying something by my own, because I want to be satisfied and have the best results. I can't wait to have free hairy skin.

  5. This is nice blog and unique information related to laser hair removal in gurgaon


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  7. informative post Thanks for the guide !
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  23. At any treatment level, the Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X is effective. Five distinct intensities are represented by the five settings—or three settings if the Precision Laser is being used. The treatment will progress more slowly at a lower intensity, but it may be more comfortable for some patients.

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  25. Hello, I just moved to Busan and am looking for a good place to get laser hair removal treatment. Where was the surgeon? Invite cards

  26. Great review of the Tria Hair Removal Laser! For those looking for a more professional and long-lasting solution, Ecla Clinic offers laser hair removal in Dubai tailored to all skin types. Our advanced technology and expert care ensure safe and effective results, making it an ideal choice for achieving smooth, hair-free skin.


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