Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Exciting for Me!

So, I have FINALLY had my first written piece published!!! (Granted only on the world wide web but a girl's gotta start somewhere right!)

Now i know that this is neither health nor beauty related, but i am rather proud of my small achievement so have decided to post it on here none the less!

The link can be found here and the piece is about wedding favours.

Sometimes its good to indulge ones self!

Friday, 25 June 2010

The Surgery free way to luscious lips!

Think of some of the most beautiful women in the world then think about the one thing that they have in common. Angleina Jolie, Monica Bellucci, Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba. They are all beautiful and they all have gorgeous, full lips!

Since forever it has been known that a full pout can drive men crazy- it is a sign of femininity, softness and beauty

Along with a flat stomach, smooth thighs and a tight butt, this isn’t a feature that the majority of the population have been blessed with.

However, worry no more as there is a product out there that actually does work. I have used it for years having discovered it purely by chance when the brand first came to the UK. This miracle product is called Lip Injection by Too Faced

Dont be put off with the name ‘Lip Injection’ or the fact that the packaging includes the image of a needle, this stuff works!!

It has the consistency and smell of a lip gloss, glides on with a brush and has a lovely very subtle pink colour to it.

Almost immediately you will start to feel a tingling on your lips which feels a little like bit like your lips are being pricked by lots of tiny pins. The sensation only lasts a couple of minutes and then voila, take a look at yourself.

Your lips will have turned a deeper colour of red, where I can only assume the product has stimulated them, and you will without a doubt notice a difference to the size and volume of your lips.

I’ve found that the effects last for several hours, but you can always top up if you need to.

You can buy Too Faced Lip Injection from most department stores or Boots.

Note- make sure you do not get this products on any other part of your face as it temporarily turns the skin red!!! A mistake I made at great cost when I liberally slapped it all over my mouth, neglecting to keep it within the lines of my lips. I looked more Ronald Mc Donald than Angie Jolie. Not a good look and not recommended.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Tummy Tucker!

Like most women out there who haven’t been blessed with washboard abs and a tight toned mid-drift, i dislike my tummy. Immensely.

Don’t get me wrong there are PLENTY of areas of my body i that i would happily change, but my belly would be a great place to start!

Despite regular trips to the gym and lunches consisting of just cans of tuna, i cant seem to obtain this incredible tummy!

So.... whilst browsing the internet for a quick fix miracle cream, i came across a product by Rodial called Tummy Tuck and decided to give it a go!

4 weeks on i have to be honest, i havent noticed a massive difference. The wesbite says use it daily for 8 weeks for up to 2cm's off your abdominal area, but i havent even lost 1cm.

It goes on beautifully and feels silky smooth. The smell, whilst not unpleasant isnt wonderful and the results dont seem to live up to the hype.

I have however noticed that my skin feels tighter after having used it- taughter and tighter, so perhaps im judging too harsly, my tum was never as smooth and tight as this before, but for £100 i suppose i expected more.

If there is indeed such a lotion or potion out there that can make you lose weight, tone up, reduce cellulite and give you the body of Kim Kardashian or Jennifer Aniston without having to starve yourself or make a fool out of yourself at the gym, i havent found it yet. This doesnt mean that i wont keep searching!
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