Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Wanna Cuppa Mugs

So I know this isn’t beauty related but this is something I really loved so therefore have decided to share with you lovely lot.

I drink a fair bit of tea, as do most people I know and I love adding new mugs to my collection.

My parents and mother in law actually have their own special mugs they always use when they come to our house and both me and the Mr have mugs that we prefer to use too. 

 I have no idea if this is normal or if this makes us weird but frankly I care not either way- my point is we all have our favourite mugs and I now have a few more to share!

Wanna Cuppa is a British company who brighten your day with mugs printed with fabulous quotes and statements.

They have LOADS of different prints to choose from but these 4 struck a chord with me personally and I love them!

The ‘I said I Will Fix It’ one is going straight to my husband as this sums him up perfectly while the ‘Nutella’ mug has got my sister’s name written all over it!

The ‘I Wish I was as thin’ mug is 100% me all over and I just really liked the Lemon one!

Each mug costs £6.99 and that includes a gift box (pictured) and personally I think they make really cool, personal gifts.

Check out more of the different styles available on their Facebook page where you can also order from them now.  


  1. We all want to give great gifts, those gifts that bring a smile when unwrapped and make the new owner want to use them immediately. Finding that perfect personal gift, however, is not always an easy task. steampunk mug


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